Hello, from me….Editor Des of Blackheath.

We have so many bees at our place here in the Blue Mountains. I know, because I  help my guardian Pauline Conolly look after the garden.   Or  rather she helps me…ha ha. Of course the bees are asleep now, keeping warm in bed until springtime.


Baby birds and bees don’t like the cold.


Pink horse chestnut.

Pink horse chestnut.

When  my dear  Grannie Jean was in hospital  the only thing she really liked to eat  was  bread and honey. I thought that  if I could find some for her it would smell and taste like all the beautiful flowers in our garden. She could pretend she was walking about with me in the sunshine.


The bees love azaleas.

The bees love azaleas.







Correa with bee

Correa Flower


Bee on Hydrangea


Pauline told me that sometimes bees make their honey in hollow trees  And do you know what? I FOUND ONE! It was a gum tree  in the bush near our house.



Well, sad to say there was nothing in there except  some very angry ants.  Some (23) crept into my jumper and bit me on the chest. And on my arm too.

In the end I thought the sensible thing to do would be to ask a bee where to find some honey.  I met one on my broad bean flowers,  but he  wasn’t at all helpful….or kind. His bite was far worse than the ants. He said he didn’t slave away all day for the likes of me!

Editor Des with bee sting

Oh dear me!



Busy bee.

It’s a hard life.










Pauline had to put a band-aid on my nose.  A friendlier bee apologized, but  said he couldn’t tell me where the honey was because it was a secret. ‘Well that’s not very fair,’ I said.’You and your mates take all our nectar, so we deserve some of the proceeds…….ie; honey!’
I could see this one understood my position.

He buzzed around the garden for a while (thinking I guess) , then he came back and said. ‘Here’s what I’m willing to do, mate. I’ll leave you some honey in a flower tomorrow under the tulip tree. Alright?’

I thought he would forget to be honest, because (unlike bears)  bees have quite small brains. But next morning I had a look and there it was. Just…wow!



I scooped some out with a little spoon.  And do you know what ? Grannie Jean  loved it.

Editor Des loves honey.

I took this to Grannie Jean


Editor Des with his Granny

Table top dancing with Grannie We had plump pudding and honey  sauce for Christmas dinner..

I might buy a beehive next spring  and produce my own honey. The little girl in the photo below is Gaia, who lives in England. She just might be the littlest beekeeper in the entire world. Gaia is a junior apiarist….that’s the proper word.


World's youngest beekeeper?

All suited up. (photo courtesy of Gaia’s mother)

I could have a stall at the Farmers’ Market. I would have a label saying Editor Des’s Floral Bouquet Honey.

Honey at Blackheath Farmer's Market


In loving memory of Grannie Jeannie. (1924-2017)








  1. I too love honey Dear Ed. Des. Remember that what comes out of your garden flowers is good for you. Good to eat, drink and put on burns, bites and especially bee stings. 🙂

    • Pauline

      Have passed on your message, Sandy. Des says that sounds like excellent advice.

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