Widow Wonga is a bird very close to my heart….and is loved just as much by my husband Rob. She and her partner have been living and rearing chicks in our Blackheath garden over a very long period, sometimes producing several sets of twins a year. I
Read more →WANTON – Collins Dictionary definition……..Sexually loose or unrestrained. I’m afraid this label must now be attached to the. resident Wonga couple in my Blackheath garden. Here is mother Wonga with her very new chicks. They were brought down from the nest about ten days ago. But now,
Read more →Warwick and Wendy Wonga from Blackheath have been using a rustic wooden ‘courting seat’ in my garden for quite a few years. These Australian native pigeons are monogamous, and mate for life. Unfortunately, their seat has begun to show signs of wear and tear. Well, they do
Read more →Roll up and grab your popcorn everyone. On offer is free entry to the Wongas’ unique theatrical performance. We all need some distraction in these troubled times. Australia’s native Wonga pigeons are engaging birds even when they are just pottering about, so expect something VERY special. After
Read more →Our resident Wongas here in the Blue Mountains are acting so bizarrely. These monogamous, Australian native birds usually nest in summer, from October until January. They have a clutch of two white eggs, in a rough, twig nest built high in a tree. However, this year they
Read more →Recently I told the story of our dear Mr Wonga, an Aussie native pigeon who fell in love with four delightful ‘ladies’. Unfortunately they were all reflected in the shiny hubcaps of our house painter Rebekah’s restored, VW van. It just became too terrible to watch, as
Read more →We are building a new house at Blackheath, in the Blue Mountains. Our painter Rebbekah arrives every morning in her beautifully restored VW Kombi van. Unfortunately it has led to confusion and frustration for our resident Wonga pigeon. It’s those shiny hubcaps. Oh my word, what a
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