I grew up on a dairy farm near Ulverstone, on the North-West coast of Tasmania; a child who loved reading and dreamed of overseas travel and becoming a writer. At the time these were completely unrealistic ambitions. Just two brief comments sustained me. My fourth year English teacher had written dryly; ‘Pauline has very good ideas… when one can read them!’ (thank goodness for computers as my writing remains illegible!) Word reached my class teacher, whose final report noted; ‘It appears Pauline has some literary ability’. I spent the next three years within the State Public Service, scraping together the funds for working holidays in New Zealand and the UK. In 1977 I returned to Australia, settling in Sydney with my partner Rob and qualifying as a Library Officer. My interest in research was stimulated by eleven years employment with a public library. In 1987 I changed direction, becoming a vocational trainer, teaching communication skills and running freelance writing courses. By this time I was also contributing articles to newspapers and magazines on subjects as diverse as travel, gardening, history and humour.
I am now a full-time non-fiction author and researcher. My interests include social history, especially the Victorian era, and Australia’s colonial past. I currently divide my time between the UK and the beautiful Blue Mountains of New South Wales, where I happily write, garden and enjoy the profuse bird-life.
My first book, The Water Doctor’s Daughters, was published by UK publisher Robert Hale in February 2013. The story reflects my interest in the darker aspects of family relationships plus my penchant for true crime!
All Along the River: Tales From the Thames, was also published by Robert Hale in July the same year. Rob and I owned a holiday house at riverside Marlow for many years and explored the Thames from source to sea. This work expresses our love for the river in all its aspects.
My current project is a biography of charismatic Tasmanian surgeon Victor Richard Ratten. Despite having no formal qualifications, Rattten served as Surgeon Superintendent of the Hobart General Hospital from 1917 until 1936 , continuing to operate there until the 1950’s.
In July 2013 I was accepted into the UK Society of Authors, which was quite a milestone. I remember peeping into the reading room of the British Library back in the 1970’s and longing to be allowed in! Now my SOA card grants me automatic membership and I have two books on its shelves!
WEBSITE – This site reflects my interest in history, travel and humour . In February 2015 I was approached by The National Library of Australia. The library requested permission to permanently archive the site as one of national historical and cultural significance, and of long term research value. It was quite a shock, but a wonderful validation of my work. It is now archived via PANDORA.
EDITOR DES – My associate Editor Des makes a significant (if often controversial) contribution to the website . He also maintains his own Facebook author page HERE Do visit and give him a ‘like’.