The month of May can be a bit nippy in the central west of New South Wales. However, for the organizers of the Royal Bathurst Show there is a bonus. Inside the showground are giant elms, in full autumn glory.
Having attended Sydney’s Royal Easter Show a few weeks earlier I wondered how a regional show would measure up. Certainly there was that same heavenly aroma as my partner and I approached; a unique blend of Dagwood dogs, sugary doughnuts, hot chips and fairy floss.
The cattle judging was underway; so good for a dairy farmer’s daughter to be able to watch up close . I tried to educate my city raised partner on the finer points of a cow’s anatomy.
- A fine display of livestock.
And then there’s the wool! Remember the old maxim; ‘Australia rides on the sheep’s back?’ All a bit different now, but a fine Merino fleece is a sight to behold!
Plenty of time to visit the chooks:
And much easier to find a seat at the wood-chopping, even though the ‘stand’ was so dinky. At a regional show, it’s all hands on deck to tidy up the arena between events;
- A future chopper serves his ‘apprenticeship’
Into the wonderful home crafts pavilion. It was blissfully crowd free at the decorated cakes. Here is a special exhibit;
Hmm, but I think these poor pigs may have died of embarrassment!
It was great to have time to inspect the rest of the cooking competition. How lovely to see a young boy win first prize for his ANZAC biscuits;
But these ones leave a lot to be desired! Too much golden syrup??
Cake bakers, you must keep your fruit up to stand any chance of success. Clearly in the example below the mixture was too slack by half. (says me the expert… ha ha) The entry pictured below right was a worthy winner.
The atmosphere at Bathurst was wonderful, with locals around the ground calling out greetings to each other and to the competitors in various events. Even as ‘blow-ins’ from Blackheath we met someone we knew…our plumber. (no wonder he could afford so many showbags!)
Elsewhere there was a man educating the public about snakes. He tipped out a large tiger snake and assured us they were harmless. He reminded us that they cannot chase people as they have no legs (but surely they can wriggle along pretty quick!) and cannot hear us, as they are stone deaf. He picked the tiger snake up and yelled at it half an inch from its fangs. It didn’t react at all. Mind you, in the next breath he said he once nearly died of snake bite.
As the rodeo was about to begin, we were asked to be upstanding for the playing of the National Anthem. Much to the crowd’s amusement, at every attempt the speakers blasted out the theme music from Rawhide! To be honest, I’m not sure I really approve of bull riding etc. Maybe it was an omen that Advance Australia Fair refused to co-operate.
By now it was bitterly cold and we were ready for home; tired but happy. Was the experience at Bathurst better than Sydney’s Royal Easter? Umm….YES!
If you have read my blog on the Easter show, do you think this one sounds better? Don’t forget to complete the anti-spam sum if you leave a comment. I would love to hear about agricultural shows in other countries, as well. I went to the Royal Bath Show once. It was great, but there were no sideshows or showbags!!
Well at least the 3 little pigs generated a smile, and if you’re hungry enough, the cake with the sunken fruit would be much appreciated. I noticed there was a bit of child exploitation going one. That little lad probably had been given a one hour target to turn that piece into a small ‘occasional’ table. Best image of the day was a certain plumber laden down with ill gotten gains in the guise of Showbags, bought through exploitation from innocent clients. (hope he doesn’t read your blogs!)
I agree Marcia, cake tastes nice no matter how sunken! Oh dear, it didn’t occur to me that Bert the plumber might read my blogs! This could result in a catastrophe involving ‘accidental’ blocked sewer pipes.
Yes Pauline I do think the Bathurst show sounds more inviting than the Royal Easter.
I have the impression you enjoyed the show attractions at Bathurst and got caught up in the fun of it all more than being just an onlooker. The atmosphere sounds more like an agricultural show should be, especially viewing the cakes and animals etc.
I loved the photo you took of the chooks it is wonderful.
Yes, it was more like the Ulverstone show or your Leeton show Vonnie. Do they have one in Wagga? The chooks were great. One prize winner looked more like a rabbit! I’m definitely going back next year.
Wagga Wagga has a show held over two days usually in October. I have not been to it since I was a child.
Oh, well you must go along and see what it’s like! Don’t spend all your money on the clowns’ mouths though!!