I bought this Victorian cabinet to display them in when we move into our new house.

On holiday in Tasmania some years ago, I purchased a sweet little pillbox in an antique store at Evandale. It was gilt, with a beautiful lid of purple, machined enamel. It cost me $40.
Soon afterwards I bought an 18th century patch box at the Victory Antiques Centre, in my village of Blackheath. I happily paid several hundred dollars for this one. I was enchanted with the enamel lid, depicting a gentleman on a wicker seat in a garden. Even better, he was reading! All my obsessions in one.
The most sought after antique enamel pillboxes (and patch boxes) are those produced in Bilston (near Wolverhampton) and Battersea (London). Collectors do need to be aware that there are counterfeits around. Here are some of my favourites;
The box with the flags and military emblems (above, far right) carries a patriotic message ; ‘May British valour conquests gain, and make our foes our friends again’. It was probably produced to commemorate Wellington’s victory over Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo, in 1815.

There are handy reference works on enamel boxes. My dear friend Cath found this one for me in a charity shop. Pillboxes are ideal to collect while travelling overseas. Both my partner Rob and I enjoy hunting for them as we wander around antique fairs and boot sales in the UK , or at markets throughout Europe. Here is a gilt, basket weave box with a carved ivory top showing cherubs dancing around a tree. It is Italian.
Rob found a very different enamel box in a northern French village. It cost only 5 euros and I love the unusual apple green colour. It is marked CHINA, and was clearly manufactured for the export trade.
This modern box from the Alsace region of France features a wonderful array of woods;
As my collection grew I became increasingly interested in less expensive ‘social history’ containers rather than just pillboxes Many vintage ones can be found for under $10, such as salesmen’s samples from the 1930s and 40s. I love those that still hold some of the original contents; Dunhill pipe cleaning cream, lavender polish, cream perfume, or rouge. Others are simple novelty items. Among those pictured below is a miniature first aid kit, a lady’s shaver, and a tin of French nibs.

This one is quite clever I think; a combined needle holder and screw on thimble from the 1930’s. Plus, one that is a secret container for passing messages to a lover.
Something for the music lover; a miniature harmonica;
By the way, I would love to find some pillboxes with an Australian theme. So far the only one I have was a gift from a house guest. It is a reproduction of a Bilston enamel, decorated with a view of Old Government House at Parramatta, New South Wales. Oddly enough my friend Rita found it in an English antique shop.
This is a very different one made from malachite. Purchased with my first professional speaker’s fee.
Antique Australian pillboxes are so rare. How I covet this one in Sydney’s Powerhouse Museum.
The display cabinet in my study is now Full. 😍
Pauline, I love pillboxes and miniatures in general. I used to have porcelain toothpaste pots.When I left Australia I sold most of my Australiana and antiques to my sister. I had some lovely miniatures like paintings and little bric-a-brac. It’s hard to get a buy over here as people have big collections of almost everything. I think Australia used to be a gold mine for people interested in historical pieces. I’m keeping my eyes open for Noritake china as it is still something to collect as long as you know the early marks. I love your photo of the enameled lids.
Most of my pillboxes are in storage until we move into our new house. Will be good to display them one day.
They are simply gorgeous and I can see why you’d collect them. It reminds me that I have one somewhere (must do a search) and didn’t know exactly what it was for. So now I know!
Over the years I’ve collected various things, tiny sheep, tiny turtles, lace bobbins, interesting tins etc. However a couple of years ago we moved from a large house to a much smaller one, so I’ve decided not to add to my collections as there’s nowhere to display them.
I have nowhere to display my treasures either, until our new house is finished. Except on the Internet!
Enjoyed seeing your collection. The important thing to remember is to collect something small. My mother and I had a passion for sewing machines. We ended up with 200. That takes up a lot of space. I went through an angel stage and a birdhouse stage. I only collect tiny things now. I have a big, old, postal sorting cupboard. I only get things that will fit in my cubbies. I especially love tiny snow globes, tiny books and tiny pitchers. I have a few little pillboxes. One has Peter Rabbit, 2 are shells, one is of china, one a real shell.
Wow Stephanie, wherever did you you keep 200 sewing machines? I love my little pillboxes. Miniature books are sweet too.