My great-uncle, Anzac veteran Arthur Singleton, was admitted to a Tasmanian mental asylum in 1926. He constantly spoke of being tormented by the voices of his dead mates on Gallipoli. After enlisting in the 12th Battalion at the outbreak of WWI Arthur fought at Lone Pine and in France. However, it was memories of the carnage following the dawn landing at Anzac Cove that quite literally drove him mad. It is a cliche, but oh so true that he and his friends experienced a ‘baptism of fire’ on The Peninsula. No other action Arthur was involved in had quite the same, terrible impact. His medical notes written by asylum staff two years after his first admittance are revealing;
14.2.28 At times noisy and restless. He lies in bed is very sullen & one can get little out of him. Hears voices. Said; “I am being worried by the chaps on Gallipoli.”
And several weeks later;
21.3.28 Is at times restless and hears voices of soldiers.
Even when he was calmer and allowed outdoors he constantly marched imaginary troops around the ‘airing yard’.
For the relatives of men reported missing or wounded at Gallipoli there was the anguish of waiting for further news. This was the case for the family of one of Arthur Singleton’s friends, John Quamby. The men had trained together at Pontville in southern Tasmania before boarding the troopship Geelong on October 20 1914.
John Quamby had not had an easy life before he enlisted. He was from a broken family and had spent time in a young offenders’ institution. Fortunately he settled down after finding employment as a miner when he was sixteen.
In June 1915 Private Quamby’s name appeared on a casualty list published in Australia. It was the only news his family received. For months they waited and worried. Just before Christmas 1915 his mother wrote a touching letter to army records office;

Her letter prompted a concerted effort by the Red Cross to find out what had happened to Private Quamby. The Australian branch of the organization had set up a Wounded and Missing Bureau, based in London. It was staffed primarily by volunteers.
In May 1916 a Miss Deakin contacted the 12th Battalion’s Lance-Corporal Keen on behalf of the Red Cross seeking information about John Quamby. He responded;
‘My chum, Private Singleton, of the 12th Battalion , now’ with the 3rd Battalion, in training at Etaples, told me two days ago that Quamby had been killed at Anzac during the landing there about 25th April, 1015. Private Singleton can give you full particulars…..
Arthur was duly contacted and had a tragic story for Miss Deakin;

I have often thought how painful it must been someone like Arthur to revisit that terrible day of carnage, just as the 12th battalion was about to participate in another dreadful battle at Pozieres.
The confusion of the dawn landing at Anzac Cove was illustrated by the varying reports the Red Cross received during their investigation. Stretcher bearer Private Betts said he was a personal friend of Private Quamby and saw him shot below the knee. He said he carried him to safety, but subsequently heard he had died on a hospital ship. Another friend reported that Quamby had been shot in the hand and evacuated to Egypt. However, the tragic account provided by Arthur Singleton and his mates was accepted as the correct version.
Finally, a death notice could be placed in the local paper, though there was still some doubt surrounding the exact day he died. Later it was confirmed that John had not responded to the first muster on morning of the landing, and that he had indeed died on April 25.

His body was never located, but his name is recorded on the Lone Pine Memorial at Gallipoli. RIP Private John Quamby.

Whenever the Red Cross was successful in determining the fate of a missing soldier it provided at least some comfort and closure for loved ones at home. The enquiries relating to John Quamby’s fate at Anzac Cove must have been so painful for his mates, but necessary. I’m sure they were only too happy to help.
This article was posted on the Facebook group Tasmania – The Great War 1914 – 1918. One comment was from Private Quamby’s great-niece. She said that he has a memorial tree in Soldier’s Walk, Hobart, and that his two brothers also served. Her understanding was that her great-uncle had been shot through the cheek.
UPDATE – Recently I discovered that the medals awarded to John in recognition of his service have been lost; a final, cruel twist. Let’s hope they can be recovered.
Thank you for the article. What happened to Arthur Singleton?
Oh dear, his life was a complete tragedy, Carolyn. Here a story about him. He was my great-uncle.
So very sad, Pauline. I know from my great-uncle’s diary that the 25th April – and the days following – were chaotic, with so many landing but being killed on the beach. As for the actions following, well… No wonder no one knew what had happened. Rather like Pozieres 1916 – and the Battle of the Menin Road a year later. Tragic for the men who died – and worse for their relatives, not knowing…
Yes Ann, I was still amazed that even Private Quamby’s closest mates got it so wrong. Since first posting the piece I have been contacted by his great-niece. Was so pleased that he has a memorial in Hobart.
Another tragic story, no doubt one of many thousands like it. I am so glad you are recording their stories so they won’t be forgotten. Perhaps they could be formed into a book with a chapter for each person>
Well Christine, my great-uncle’s sad life led to my interest in these men. However, I already have two books in progress, so I think I might be in my grave before I can write another one.
Oh well, perhaps another of their descendants might take up the challenge.
I hope so. If I can spark some interest I will be satisfied.
War is hell and it stays with you forever, the hell of WW1 would have been a nightmare and their tormented minds helped me deal with my demons as minuscule.
So true, Rusty. I hope you are doing OK.