I once made a somewhat provocative statement on social media declaring Australia’s Foster Clarks custard powder to be superior to the UK Bird’s brand. It was absolutely true, but see that flag on the British product? I should have known I was stirring up a cauldron of national pride.
In the banter that followed, the thread shifted to birds of the feathered kind. Cheeky comments were made about our raucous cockatoos and kookaburras.
Unfortunately, a misguided Aussie friend tried to help by mentioning the lyre bird’s ability to mimic a chainsaw or a car alarm. It was virtually game, set and match to the Poms! A chainsaw?? Unflattering comparisons were made with the gentle dawn chorus of British birds. I was effectively silenced, as here in Blue Mountains I often wake to the sound of hungry young king parrots squawking for their breakfast . They are relentless! The only two seconds of respite comes as they swallow a regurgitated glob of parrotty porridge. Then there are the big black currawong chicks. Oh good grief!
Fortunately, young birds become independent very quickly. The normal, sweet chorus of tiny birds resumes; half a dozen varieties of native honey eaters, fairy wrens, golden whistlers, thornbills, finches and tree creepers. The gorgeous yellow robin is known as the dawn harpist. But our a larger, more iconic Australian birds receive far more press than these small songsters.
I recently made an early morning visit to Perry’s Lookout, near my home village of Blackheath. It overlooks the majestic eucalypt forest of the Grosse Valley.
In the stillness I became aware of the purest, sweetest sound; perfectly expressed by the Australian born poet Henry Kendall (1839-1882);
And softer than slumber, and sweeter than singing,
The notes of the bell-birds are running and ringing.
The silver-voiced bell-birds, the darlings of day-time,
They sing in September their songs of the may-time.
Appropriately, these birds feed on honeydew, produced from eucalypt sap by tiny insects called lerps.
Bellbirds are also mentioned in my favourite Australian Christmas carol; The Carol of the Birds, written by John Wheeler;
Down where the tree ferns grow by the river
There where the waters sparkle and quiver
Deep in the gullies bell-birds are chiming
Softly and sweetly their voices are rhyming
Orana! Orana! Orana to Christmas Day.
{Orana is an Aboriginal word meaning ‘welcome’}
Reflecting on the eternal UK-Australian rivalry reminds me of Dorothea Mackellar’s poem My Country, published in London in 1908 under the title Core of My Heart. Here is a page from her notebook on which the first two verses are written;

Dorothea Mackeller
I have to agree with Miss Mackellar’s sentiments. Much as I appreciate the beauty of the English countryside, the Australian bush will always hold a special place in my heart. I love the way it regenerates so quickly, even after the most disastrous fires.
Perhaps it is mere fancy, but it seems to me there is a hint of the human form in the above photo. The picture was taken here at Blackheath, in the wake of our most recent fires. It symbolizes hope, and it is why I relate so strongly to lines from the final verse of Mackellar’s poem.
An opal-hearted country,
A wilful, lavish land
All you who have not loved her,
You will not understand.
Many years ago there was a poetry competition in New South Wales called Shrink Lit. The object was to drastically reduce a well known Australian piece of Australian literature. I spent days ‘shrinking’ Norman Lindsay’s book The Magic Pudding to about 15 lines of verse. I was reasonably pleased with the result ….. until the winning entry was published The writer’s name now escapes me, but her brilliance almost made me give up writing forever. She had wittily reduced My Country to;
Hedgerows are tops, you say.
I like dead cows, OK?
Mind you, in the midst of this terrible drought It’s hard to smile at the clever irony.
In conclusion may I say;
I loved this from beginning to end.
I remember the first time I heard Bellbirds, driving through Cunninghams Gap.
I had to stop and just listen.
Thank you for sharing this Pauline.
I really appreciate you taking the trouble to leave a message here, Meredith. Many thanks.
Lovely article, Pauline. I envy you your beautiful and colourful birds, but love our own. They can be irritating too. The blackbird scolded Oscar the cat interminably when all he wanted was to doze in the shade. East, West, home’s best.
Thanks Mike. I was just as passionate about birds when we were living in England. I even had a meal worm farm to feed the robins and bluetits etc. We lived near the Chiltern Hills, where the red kites were re-introduced. I so loved watching them.