June the Wonga chick was hatched completely out of season, here in Blackheath in the Blue Mountains. It hasn’t been easy for the dear little one, with rain, sleet and heavy frosts to contend with. I call June ‘her‘ even though I don’t really know if that’s correct. She hasn’t been out and about much, so our resident crimson rosella was surprised when she suddenly emerged.
Oh dear, it was pretty chilly today even though the sun was out. June is so fluffed up she resembles a football…… and wearing a footy jumper.
Now June’s parents have been neglecting her dreadfully recently….their minds have been on, well; producing another winter baby. Goodness knows why they think this is a sensible idea. They spend hours wooing on their love seat. A brief visit to feed June her milk and a plodding circuit of the garden to feed themselves is all they can fit in between sessions.
Our lonely chick pottered about for a while then vanished until I heard some plaintive calling. There she was sitting outside my bedroom window. To my surprise and delight one of her parents appeared. Thank goodness for that. Poor little poppet deserves some love and attention.
You must always keep your feathers in good condition my cherub.
After some grooming and bonding the pair decided to just sit in the sunshine and enjoy some quality time together. My faith in Wonga parenting has been restored. Notice how June hasn’t grown into her beak yet. It’s longer than her head!
Make the most of this special time June, because when your sibling arrives you will be completely on your own. I wonder if I should buy you a warm scarf and a hat?