We at Blackheath heaved a collective sigh of relief after the worst of the bushfire threat passed. A community afternoon tea was organized to express appreciation for the Rural Fire Service and all the other service groups who rally during these disasters.
Yes, the damage to our flora and fauna has been heartbreaking, not to mention the local economy. But surrounding communities have been hit so much harder. The event was to be a fundraiser for those whose homes were lost.

In an awful co-incidence the temperature was forecast to be 40 degrees that day. Surely a record for Blackheath.
Now 40 feels more like 50 to Bleakheathens. I thought the event might be cancelled, but no word came that it had been. When the thermometer did indeed reach 40 I was feeling decidedly wan and wondered whether I’d go…..

I could always drop my contribution in elsewhere. However, I was also holding a donation from my friend Rosie, so off I went, not expecting many residents would turn up.
Oh me of little faith…. people were spilling out the doors!

There was far too much food for the main table;

The sight of those two little boys lifted my spirits. But what a mess we are leaving for them. It may already be too late, but if we (and the rest of the world) don’t learn from this latest catastrophe in Australia we never will.

I’m still feeling overwhelmed with sadness, but also very proud of our community.
So glad to know you’re ok Pauline. I have been thinking about you and yours and praying all is ok with you.
Take care.
Cousin Sabina xxx
How lovely to hear from you, Sabina. Yes, we are fine thanks, but had a couple of very scary days. So heartbreaking for our country though. It’s almost impossible to believe what’s happening. Hope all is well with you. xxxx