The Camellia japonica R.T. Wheeler is very hardy and produces enormous, variegated blooms. I have picked so many to fill various containers So why on earth would I want to banish it?

Well, in my Blackheath garden the camellia was growing between two red blooming trees, just below the balcony of our new house. The colours clashed, causing me great angst. And those magnificent flowers turned brown so quickly. An excess of aesthetic sensibility? Well maybe, but……! My decision was made much easier when two of our tradies from Mount Victoria said they would love to have it. Perfect, at least it wouldn’t end up in the green waste bin.
Now we all knew it wasn’t the ideal time for transplanting, but Dave and Rebbekah were too impatient to wait and the weather was good; misty and cool. With summer coming it was either act now or wait until autumn. I gave it some baths of anti-shock Seasol in the preceding days. We debated whether to cut it back first, but the advice seemed to be to let it remain intact.
Had to tie back an old-fashioned rambler rose to allow an easier exit along the path.

Here it comes. You can see the large red waratah it was growing next to.

And a huge, red rhododendron on the other side. The arrow marks it’s old home.

All loaded up, not such a difficult extraction really.

There we are, gently wrapped up like a baby in appropriately floral swaddling. Then the whole thing was secured with rope. It would be a disaster if the poor fellow rolled out onto the Great Western Highway.

Farewell Mate, thanks for all those giant blooms you produced.

I was delighted when Rebbekah sent through some pictures as soon as planting was completed at Mr Wheeler’s new home in Mount Victoria. He was fenced off to provide temporary protection from some lively dogs.

A well deserved drink!

Good luck old chap, I know Rebbekah and Dave will treasure you. Meanwhile, I’ll have to think of a suitable replacement. Maybe a white camellia would be good.
Oh the waratah! What a beauty!.
Yes, has been a great year for waratahs and the birds love it, especially silvereyes and wattle birds. The tree was badly broken in a storm several years ago, but it has bounced back.
Gardeners are the most generous of folk. Especially good to share or donate, rather than have to dump something that gives so much pleasure. May it thrive well in its new home.
Yes Marcia, so many plants in my garden are from friends and neighbours. Adds so much enjoyment.