Deciding to produce chicks in mid winter was never going to be a good idea. However, our resident Wonga pair would not be dissuaded. We invariably get snow here in the upper Blue Mountains and sure enough, down it came in mid August. The eggs had only just hatched. Their nest in a conifer tree was obliterated as snow settled and bent the branches.

Next morning the night-shift parent handed over sitting duties and headed for the sunniest spot in the garden. For almost an hour it sat quietly, recovering and restoring body warmth.

There was a bit of grooming before it eventually toddled off to feed. The chicks grow quickly and will needs lots of nutrient.

AUGUST 26 – Basking in late afternoon sunshine. Aah yes, that is so much better!

August 30 – Oh my word, did you ever see a prouder parent? No wonder, after so many trials and tribulations. Congratulation dear Wongas. Welcome to the world little ones. I use the plural, but are there one or two?

It’s interesting that before the chicks hatched the nesting bird would call endlessly before its partner arrived to take over. But now that has all changed. A brief coo-ee and the other bird is there like a shot. That is responsible parenthood in my book. When the chicks are a bit bigger they will be taken down to a ground nursery.

All these photos were taken from an open window on the top floor of our house, about 20 metres from the tree. My camera is only a tiny ‘point and shoot’ Sony, but it has a pretty good long lens.

Want to know why the birds decided to nest in mid winter? CLICK HERE.