American comics, especially Archie comics,  were as much a part of  my Tasmanian childhood as books were. How I loved  those  high school pals and rivals…. Archie, Jughead,  Betty,  Veronica and Reggie.  In pre-television days it was ‘Yankee’  comic books that introduced me  to the wonder of the drugstore, with its soda fountains and double malts; to ‘kids’  driving convertible cars, and to  the unfamiliar  celebrations surrounding  Thanksgiving and Halloween. This  cultural immersion  fed my dreams and eventually led me to the US. I must say that Root Beer was a disappointment, but Hershey Kisses lived up to expectations. 😍

Archie comic characters driving convertible cars.

I still have some old Archie  issues in my study, albeit from the 70s rather than my own era of the 50s and 60s.

Archie comics from the 1970s.



The fascination for Yankee comics  was  nationwide. At the Christmas meeting of a Girl Guide group in Western Australia, first prize in the fancy dress coemption went to  a female Archie


Archie Comic book character wins fancy dress competition,

A group effort, (Source – Eastern Recorder, W,A, Dec, 18 1952)


Now I would have thought that these comic books were completely innocuous, but obviously not in the mind of a certain ‘man of the cloth’ from Adelaide. He wrote a piece examining the whole range of comics and  their suitability as entertainment for children.



Archie comics were considered rather dodgy. Good grief!


Mind you, love comics, which we later devoured,  were listed as ‘POISON’! 😨

Love comics were very popular.

Comics in general were frowned upon by church groups in Tasmania.

Comics were frowned upon by church groups.


Thankfully my parents didn’t mind what I read (within reason).

The back pages of American comics were also the stuff of dreams.  There were such exciting opportunities on offer.

Comic book back page.

Sometimes it was not money to be had, but wonderful prizes such as transistor radios, pogo sticks,  sleds and above all….x-ray glasses. 😎

The  problem for Aussie kids was that we could never complete the coupons due to the lack of a vital detail;


Another issue was that by the time my siblings and I bought or swapped  our comics at Mrs Phipps’ bookshop in Ulverstone they were long out-of-date.


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