Marianne Macquarie was born on the Isle of Mull in 1820. She was the niece of Lachlan Macquarie, Governor of New South Wales between 1810 and 1821. Her father was Charles Macquarie, the governor’s only surviving brother. Marianne’s mother and only sister had both died when she
Read more →MARGARET MACQUARIE (NEE GOODWIN) Recently I posted the story of Hector Macquarie, and his marriage to the unfortunate Margaret Simson. Hector was the dissolute nephew of Governor Lachlan Macquarie. You can read the first part HERE. And now the story continues…… It had always been assumed that
Read more →In July 1818 Governor Lachlan Macquarie made an inspection tour of the Paterson River in the Lower Hunter region of New South Wales. On July 30 his diary records, ‘We then proceeded to view the rest of the Farms on both sides of the River—finding the soil
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