I recently wrote an article for this website about Enid Blyton. If you haven’t read it, here is the link. It was inspired by a piece I came across in the wonderful Australian newspaper archive TROVE. Written in 1952, it was a reaction to the South Australian
Read more →Enid Blyton was an integral part of my rural Tasmanian childhood, as she was for most ‘Baby Boomers’ around the world. In later life we discovered that the prolific author entertained us at great cost to her own children, but that’s another story. My siblings and I
Read more →The climbing tree I grew up with was a giant lucerne. It provided as much delight for our family as that fictional ‘faraway’ tree. One of my favourite childhood books was The Magic Faraway tree, by Enid Blyton. It actually belonged to my sister. Who could not
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