In the late 1940s, Australian born archaeologist Vere Gordon Childe lived in an iconic, modernistic building in London’s Belsize Park. The resident of the opposite flat was Agatha Christie. The five storey Isokon Flats, also known as the Lawn Road Flats, had opened in 1934. It became
Read more →Whenever I stand at Blackheath’s Govett’s Leap lookout I sense the spirit of Charles Darwin, one of my great heroes. Darwin said of the Leap; ‘It is a tremendous rent or depression in the earth, which is said to be the deepest chasm with perpendicular cliffs in
Read more →Vere Gordon Childe spent his childhood at a home called Chalet Fontenelle, at Wentworth Falls in the Blue Mountains of NSW. He was educated at Sydney University and subsequently at Oxford. Childe returned home in 1917, but as a pacifist, atheist and committed socialist he was ostracized
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