In 1984 my darling mother Myra was suffering from the ovarian cancer that took her life. While I was visiting her in Tasmania I noticed a cheeky little frog on her bedside table. ‘He cheers me up’, she said. I could see why; he was adorable.
Froggy ended up coming home with me to Sydney, and ultimately to my garden at Blackheath, in the Blue Mountains. Sadly, he suffered a traumatic accident a few years back. One of his legs snapped off in a big ‘Bleakheath’ freeze. He coped quite well until he lost the other one in an undisclosed incident. Oh my word, Mum would have been appalled at his (and my) carelessness. It was Dr Des (aka Editor Des) to the rescue.
Unfortunately the re-attached leg did not heal successfully, despite Dr Des’ best efforts. Never mind, Froggy coped remarkably well.
While he still had one leg he had some interesting adventures with his friend Gnome. Eat your heart out Tom Sawyer!
Life became quieter after the failed re-attachment surgery, but the little fellow’s spirits remained high.
He takes a great interest in gardening.
I think Froggy is proof that we can all triumph over adversity. Just because you are hopless it doesn’t mean your life is hopeless.
Love Frog’s face, even if he doesn’t have a leg to stand on. A nice link with your dear mum.
My mother had a wonderful sense of humour, she definitely would have chuckled over this story.
Thank you!
I like Frog’s face, even if he doesn’t have a leg to stand on. Nice link back to your mum x
Yes Marcia….I should have taken better care of him, although he is pretty old now.
Yes it was his wistful grin that endeared him to Mum.
Sweet blog! Not everything has to be perfect!
So true Lyn. Thank you.
Love the story and love the frog. And I love your statement “Just because you are hopless it doesn’t mean your life is hopeless.” Though I do have two legs, sometimes I am rather hopless and don’t get around as easily as I once did, but I’m never hopeless. Love the pictures, too.
I am hoplessly incapable of doing anything now due to the laughter you caused! Your mum would be so hoppy to read of his adventures, or misadventures! Bet she’s watching down enjoying seeing him doing different things! Hop to read more of him soon!
Ability always wins out over disability.
Way to go 🐸 and gnome.
thank you ♥️little froggy 🐸 because i’m most certainly extremely hopless at the moment and was feeling very hopeless this morning. But you’ve made me smile and i’ll keep on trying to find some adventures to. Even if from my bed.
YES!, your message is here Sally. I am so sorry that you are feeling down and are unable to get about. One thing that computers give us is the chance to have adventures wherever we are. I hope you find other stories on my site to cheer you up. xx