Blackheath rocks in their giant, natural form are a tourist’s delight. On a domestic scale, they are a wonderful resource for property owners. Sometimes I think I could turn our entire Blue Mountains garden into a commercial quarry. The rocks that come out the ground here are
Read more →Revenge on ‘Bad Santa’ by Editor Des. Warning, there is a degree of violence depicted in this story. Every Christmas there is a confrontation at our Blue Mountains home between an elderly, battery powered walking Santa and my young associate Editor Des. Santa marches straight up to
Read more →CHRISTMAS PUDDING …now the strangest tale I ever heard was about Charles Dickens cooking one in a top hat. However, my own effort surely comes a close runner-up. By the way,
Read more →Hello, Editor Des here. If anyone knows about Teddy Bears it’s moi, because….well I am one! And I do love a picnic. John-Paul Bernet and his dear wife Bevie are very special people. For them, the term Teddy Bears covers all manner of comforting, cuddly creatures. I
Read more →Hello, this is your Christmas correspondent, Editor Des. Have you heard of a Santa’s Nice List? Well a lovely lady called Amelia at our village laundromat put one up in her front window. It’s in Wentworth Street at Blackheath. That’s in the Blue Mountains in case you
Read more →Gardens are places of wonder, especially one like mine that borders the Australian bush. Here in the NSW Blue Mountains a eucalyptus tree was the source of great fun recently, but also a sad tale of pride coming before a fall.
Read more →Desmond, aka Editor Des, has been sitting at the woodheap bird watching with his mate Bob Banksia; full name Mr Robert Banksia Serrata. They have been hoping to see the arrival of the blue wrens. No luck so far and I think the tension must have led
Read more →My guardian Pauline Conolly and I were digging a hole for a little maple a few weeks ago when we found buried treasure…and that’s no yoke, I mean joke (sorry) .😛 It was hidden under dirt and decaying leaves. Pauline told me it might be one of
Read more →My associate Editor Des feels he is defined by his jumper, which is the item of clothing he has worn almost constantly throughout his 23 years (no pants, and only rarely a hat). Unfortunately he has always hated having TEDDY across the front; excruciatingly juvenile he believes.
Read more →Cash is dead… well on its knees anyway, especially change lower in value than a 50 cent piece. Like most people I now pay for almost everything with my credit card. Nevertheless, my partner Rob and I have accumulated dozens of two bob bits (20 cent pieces).
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