Desmond, aka Editor Des, has been sitting at the woodheap bird watching with his mate Bob Banksia; full name Mr Robert Banksia Serrata. They have been hoping to see the arrival of the blue wrens. No luck so far and I think the tension must have led
Read more →It has taken me nearly thirty years to visit Nutcote, the artist May Gibbs’ harbourside home in Sydney. Why I left it so long I have no idea, but it was certainly worth the wait. After almost being lost to developers the property opened to the public
Read more →Hello, Desmond Conolly here. I’m off to old Sydney town at last! Yay, lock-down has been such a challenge! Mind you, right from the start I knew the trip would be difficult for someone with an independent spirit comme moi. And wow, was I right! At Medlow
Read more →Here in the Blue Mountains the boughs of Leura’s main street avenue of cherry trees have been decorated for Christmas in a unique manner. Admittedly the seasonal creations have created some controversy, but I love them. They seem to suit Leura’s trendy, boutique shops and are quirky
Read more →Specimens of of the Australian native Banksia serrata were collected by Sir Joseph Banks in 1770 and later named for him. They are funny, gnarled trees that look ancient long before their time (rather like weather beaten Australian gardeners). Serrata refers to the tough, saw edged leaves; Their knobbled
Read more →How wonderful a gum leaf is. More on gum leaf playing further down, but meanwhile, look how beautiful the leaves can be; We Australians have an almost spiritual connection to gum leaves. Expats can be reduced to tears by a whiff of their aroma. Campers in the
Read more →A DAY OUT FOR EDITOR DES (THAT’S ME) Well one day my guardian Pauline Conolly took me to Sydney as a special treat. Now she loves going to the State Library, but I don’t (boooooring!!) I was pretty p…..d off when we ended up there (sorry, I
Read more →BORONIA Because the fragrance of your deeds, Has sweetened a sad soul’s doom, And ministered to many needs, I send you Boronia blooms. Ella McFadyen 1906 I confess there is an element of nostalgia in my love of the tiny brown cups of fragrant Boronia megastigma. I
Read more →Hello, well bottoms are very funny, aren’t they? Q. WHAT HAS A BOTTOM AT THE TOP? A. MY LEGS! That’s a joke I made up by myself. We have all been talking about our bums lately haven’t we, what with the mysterious shortage of loo paper.
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