Driving into our Blue Mountains property after visiting Sydney recently we almost ran over a juvenile king parrot. I had to hop out of the car and shoo him off the driveway. He was too busy with an acorn he’d found to think about the dangers of traffic.

A few more nibbles and he hopped up into one of the bare maple trees to finish it off. Hmm, where were his parents?

Time for a bit of fun, and a bit of showing off. Oh the joy of having nobody to tell you what to do, or that your feathers are a mess. Of course it’s hard to look neat when your grown up plumage is still coming through. It’s amazing to think that one day he will look like this;

However, the following day the youngster was a bit subdued, and hardly seemed to eat at all. He sat in a tree fern beside the lane looking lost and lonely. Independence can be a bit hard to get used to I guess. But If he was hoping a parent might happen along he was sadly disappointed.

My associate Editor Des was very concerned and tried to tempt the poor little chap with a few more acorns he’d found. They were quite nicely prepared and presented, but alas no interest was shown at all. To make matters worse, snow was forecast. Oh dear me, a cold and hungry ‘orphan’; how pathetic that would be.

Then, just as the sun was going down the chick walked to the very end of the furthest branch of the maple tree. A last look in our direction and off he flew….home to the family hollow we hope.

I wonder if he will be back tomorrow?
Editor Des was so pleased at the outcome because his bottom was getting cold sitting on that lawn. He came inside and lit the fire

A cup of hot milk needed I think. And then a bit of cricket and tennis on the telly before bed.

Goodnight. May the bird of happiness fly through your dreams. Zzzzz,

UPDATE – I hope the birdie got on alright last night because we woke up to SNOW!