Autumn is a busy time for the birds in our Blackheath garden.  So many seeds to snack on, so many fallen leaves to scrabble about in.  And I swear there are those who  just  know they look good against a blaze of colour. The cheeky rascal below thinks his golden crest makes a perfect centrepiece.

Sulphur crested cockatoo in the maples.

Sulphur crested cockatoo…what a poser!

Wattle Birds have their pretty yellow ‘undercarriage’ to display against a  matching background.

Wattle Bird

Aren’t I handsome?

Butcher birds are inclined to live up to their name, so tiny feathered creatures steer clear if they value their lives. Just look at that wicked beak.

Grey Butcherbird inthe tlip tree.

Butter yellow leaves behind Mr Butcherbird.

This beautiful little Eastern Yellow Robin  was drying off among the Japanese maple  leaves after a morning bath.

Autumn colour with yellow robin

Yellow robin in the maple.

The tulip trees would have to be among the  autumn favourites here, especially among  the bigger birds..

Crimson rosella and tulip tree seed.

A delicious breakfast of tulip tree seeds for a rosella.

Crimson rosella in tulip tree..

Pretty on a perch

Here is a female king parrot feeding in the maples. They also love the petals of  autumn flowering camellias.

King parrot in camellia

Camellia petals for dessert.

King Parrot in the mples at Blckheath NSW

The king parrots love autumn nuts and maple seeds.

The brightly coloured male king parrot knows he looks good.

King Parrot in autumn

Sometime the birds simply sit and gaze at nature’s beauty, just as I do myself.


A sweet silvereye.

There are a few negatives of course. For example, the Wonga does not appreciate autumn  leaves in his  bath. Honestly, he could get them out instead of sitting there  looking so aggrieved.

Pauline! Come and fix this please.

The currawong looks a little bemused by the new ‘carpet’.

Currawong in autumn

Currawong in autumn

For the rosella, the autumn foliage from pin oaks is a sheer delight.

Crimson rosella in autumn

Crimson rosella feeding in the pin oak leaves.

A dear old Kookaburra, no doubt  hoping a few lizards will be out basking in April sunshine.

Kookaburra in the autumn

Kooka making a visit.

Here he is again, hanging out in the oak tree.

Kookaburra in the oak tree

Last but not least, the Satin Bowerbird is on maintenance duty until spring.  Lots of his  blue treasures have been stolen, and he is kept busy chasing off rival males. He has given up trying to clear those encroaching leaves.

Satin bowerbird in autumn

On guard.

Such a special time of year in the beautiful Blue Mountains. Sadly, far fewer people will be able to enjoy it in 2020.

In these dark days, let there be light!

  1. Love those birds. I wish we had some of those colorful species here to brighten up the scenery.

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