Mid February, and in my Blackheath garden the banksia serratas are in bloom. They are loved by all the honeyeaters, but especially Wattlebirds and Eastern Spinebills.
Bees are visiting the native lilly-pilly flowers on the bush outside Slurps café, in Wentworth Street. I know there must be lots of people with hives in their gardens, but does anyone sell local honey? And where can I buy lilly-pilly jam or jelly?
The funny little house beside the police station has become ‘Apple Cottage’. Despite the onslaught of parrots and cockatoos there are lots ripening on the roof, the trellis, and around the side door.
I have already harvested my own small crop of Bramley apples.
In Govett’s Leap Road the old Spanish chestnut tree near Glenella is loaded with nuts overhanging the footpath. I was so excited when I first saw these…but so were the Sulphur Crested Cockatoos. They return every year for a summer feast, wretched things….denying me an autumn treat.
Gardner’s Crescent has a wonderful oak-leafed hydrangea growing on the nature strip. Such subtle, late summer shades.
Back home, the male Golden Whistler has returned. A tiny thornbill lets him bathe first….very wise I’d say..
The male Satin Bowerbird can finally relax after a very long season of bower maintenance and courting,
My first windflower bloomed this morning, virtually the last flowers of summer in my garden, along with salvia.
There are still roses in bloom, which I love to pick.
These last weeks of warmth are to be treasured. Soon, daylight saving will end, there will be a Mountain chill in the air, and I’ll be lighting the first fire of the season.
Love your stories and beautiful photos. Nature is wonderful!
Thanks Pat. Yes, since I bought my little pocket camera I really appreciate the beauty around me.