Who would have thought than an eggshell could provide such joy and excitement during one of the worst weather events in living memory? As readers of my bird blogs know, I have been photographing and writing about our resident Wonga pigeons for a number of years. Over
Read more →How beautiful Australia’s Eastern Water Skinks are, with their gorgeous, coppery colouring. My associate Editor Des has made friends with the family that live in our stone walling and under our old cement terrace, here at Blackheath in the Blue Mountains. There are actually two branches of
Read more →In this extraordinary year of 2020, our resident Wonga couple have been producing chicks throughout winter. Remember Peter Costello’s quote on offspring, ‘One for Mum, one for Dad and one for the country?‘ Well, they have truly taken this to heart. There have been two single ones,
Read more →So for the first time, our resident Wonga couple have left their chick June in a ground nursery and enjoyed a little outing together. They can’t stay away too long, because June needs regular feeds of ‘milk’. I was amused to see Mrs Wonga taking time out
Read more →This is Spirit, who nearly did not make an appearance as her parents nested in a tree about to be cut down. Happily, the tree was spared. Spirit and a sibling we called Hope hatched successfully. We think a hungry fox took Hope. This a continual hazard
Read more →Most visitors to this website are familiar with my associate, Editor Des. His dear friend Milly lives in his shadow somewhat, but today she ventured out with me on my Covid19 walk. The ducks were as content as ever down by Blackheath’s Memorial Park. The playground is
Read more →A BRIEF BREAK FROM SELF-IMPOSED ISOLATION Yesterday I ventured past my driveway for the first time in ages to walk to the chemist in Blackheath village. My little camera is always in my pocket, so here are a few pics taken along the way. April is such
Read more →My young friend Miss Milly has not always been comfortable around nature. Here she is hiding behind Editor Des when our Kookaburra called Taffy came to visit. She thought he might fly off with her to Govett’s Leap. Or pull her hair. Her idea of nature is
Read more →Max the parrot’s life could have ended before it really got going. We drove into our Blue Mountains property a couple of weeks ago and almost skittled him. He was nibbling on an acorn, completely oblivious to any danger. I had to hop out and shoo him
Read more →Carpets of autumn leaves are truly the Axminsters of the earth. I know there are wonderful carpets of blossom in spring, but autumn is definitely the main period for appreciating Mother Nature’s work. It’s one of the main reasons I moved from Sydney to the Blue Mountains
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