Yesterday I ventured past my driveway for the first time in ages to walk to the chemist in Blackheath village. My little camera is always in my pocket, so here are a few pics taken along the way. April is such a beautiful time of year in our part of the world.

We have a really wide variety of fungi in the Blue Mountains The one below was glowing like a little lamp in Robertson Lane.

My associate Editor Des was amazed by the forest of street-side toadstools in Wentworth Street.

I don’t think the avenue of liquidambers are quite as spectacular this time around, but the foliage is still a sight to behold. No ‘leaf-peeking’ tourists to admire the trees this year.

Further along I chatted briefly with a delightful young couple whose travels have been halted due to the pandemic. They have parked their creatively decorated motor home and rented a house for the duration. They were delighted when I told them that the sight of the van lifted my spirits. Sadly, I think they feared animosity as feelings of ‘STAY AWAY’ intensify.

Nick Hood the mobile barber has had to leave his old location at The Ivanhoe on his allocated Blackheath days and set up by Slurps café.

Back home via Park Avenue. This fine cat was keeping its distance and looking rather unsettled.

Nearly home and I pause to check the nesting Wonga pigeons in a neighbour’s cedar. It was due to be cut down when we spotted the nest and had to agitate for a reprieve.. Fortunately all was well, despite our recent rain and strong wind. The parents sit higher and higher in the nest to accommodate the growing chicks. Nearly toppling off now!

Here we are back at my haven. I’m so thankful to have a garden and to be surrounded by birds. Take care everyone. Can’t wait for our dear Blackheath to be back to normal, when all we had to worry about was whether or not we wanted a town square!

For more on the birdlife at Blackheath click HERE
What wonderful photos. I really enjoyed your walk to the chemist! Stay safe and well, and thank you for sharing your life with us.
What wonderful photos. I really enjoyed your walk to the chemist! Stay safe and well, and thank you again for sharing your life with us.
Thanks Linda. I love Blackheath. Stay safe in these awful times.