Wow, did we ever see such clear blue skies? Not that pollution is a problem in Blackheath, well apart from bushfire smoke.

The birdlife has been extraordinary over the last couple of weeks. I think I see more varieties during autumn than any other season.

Down in Memorial Park it was sad to see the rocket-ship deserted. It will be quite a while before the little ones can clamber up and shoot down the slide.

How different life was when I attended the official opening of the new rocket. My astronaut friend could be wearing a similar outfit today…. as an anti-virus suit!

Nobody at the swings or having a bar-b-que behind the duck pond. But my favourite cherry tree is slowly changing colour, just the same as always.

Further up, the satin bowerbird wasn’t at home. Good heavens, it looks as though he is building a wooden fence, probably off somewhere finding palings.

I thought of waiting for him to come back, but it’s against the pandemic rules to sit on the stone bower seat.

Out into Park Avenue. There are still late roses blooming at delightful Rose Folly.

It appears there is a bit of de-cluttering being done by people in self-isolation;

I make a quick, social distancing visit to the village grocery shop for milk and bread (oh how tempting were the chocolate shelves!). Hardly a soul about of course. Gone are the days when I could meet a friend for coffee. Instead, it’s back home via Wentworth Street, past the Presbyterian church.

Next door, the white weatherboard church hall always reminds me of a building in the USA’s New England

This is the first year I have been the only person taking photos of the famous liquidambar avenue. And yes, I did stand in the middle of the road dodging cars. Not that there were many of them.

Here I am in my own backyard again. Strange to need a hat in autumn, and to be wearing a shirt instead of a warm jacket. Don’t worry, I’m not complaining! The sunshine is such a joy after days of rain.

The evenings are chilly enough for a fire. I must say there are worse places to be hunkering down during this testing time.

Hello Pauline, I really enjoyed the pictorial journey showcasing many Australian birds and the lovely Autumn colours. Thank you so much for sharing, and for your humour.
regards Margaret
Thanks so much for taking the trouble to leave a message, Margaret. I really appreciate it. Stay safe!
Love the photos and descriptions. We are supposed to be in spring here in Southwestern Ontario, but we had snow last week and what had been decent temperatures suddenly dropped.
Thanks Diane, oh dear…I hope spring arrives for you soon. Stay safe!