I have been fascinated by satin bowerbirds for many years, particularly the way the collections of blue ornaments by the adult males reflects our social history. Long gone are the days when blue berries and bird feathers were the favoured items. Most of the treasure these days
Read more →For birds, sight is the most critical of the senses for survival. Hence, their eyes are much larger in relation to the size of their heads (and brains) in comparison to other vertebrate, including we humans. A large pupil allows more light to enter. That’s why an
Read more →So our resident Wongas are raising yet another set of twins. They were sitting on eggs all through the March ‘big wet’ here in the Blue Mountains. The chicks need constant care and it’s time for Mr Wonga to take over the afternoon shift. His partner has
Read more →The penetrating call of the Australian native Eastern Whipbird is actually made by a pair of birds. The male gives the long ‘crack’ of the whip, to which the female responds with a funny little choo-choo noise. It’s a wonderful thing to hear. In the old days
Read more →We have a strict policy against artificial bird feeding at our Blue Mountains property, well apart from providing fresh water. There is an abundance of nectar, seeds and insects to satisfy the countless species that visit us. Half of our large garden is planted with Australian natives,
Read more →I have to confess that I am a bit obsessed with our native Wonga pigeons. They are so gentle and engaging. They wander around the garden paths in my Blue Mountains garden every day, just as I do myself. Our long term, resident pair nest high in
Read more →The Eastern Spinebill always looks so neat in his grey and brown suit teamed with a white shirt. Only measuring about 15cms, his curved beak is almost as long as his body. I like to imagine him as a legal clerk, dipping into a pot of black
Read more →The resident Wonga pigeons in our Blackheath garden have just completed their fifth hatching in this extraordinary year of 2020. The couple have been with us for a number of years, but had only ever had a single, spring hatching ……until now. We wondered if they sensed
Read more →Recently, Petra Manos posted a photo on an Australian birds FB group I belong to. It completely enchanted the members (including me), especially when Petra shared the story behind her artwork. She generously agreed to write this guest post. PETRA’S STORY I started in August 2020, when
Read more →WANTON – Collins Dictionary definition……..Sexually loose or unrestrained. I’m afraid this label must now be attached to the. resident Wonga couple in my Blackheath garden. Here is mother Wonga with her very new chicks. They were brought down from the nest about ten days ago. But now,
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