Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Wonga of Blackheath on the arrival of a healthy chick. It hasn’t been an easy journey for them.

This sweet baby called Spirit arrived in the midst of the Covid19 pandemic after its loving parents had nested in a cedar tree about to be cut down! Fortunately our entreaties to the property owner were successful and the tree was given a reprieve. Spirit did have a sibling, but unfortunately we think it was taken by a fox. As mainly ground living birds, cats and foxes are a constant hazard.
Wongas are Australian native pigeons. I always think they look as though they are wearing football jumpers. They establish a ground nursery once the chicks leave the nest. Sensibly, they take them up to a tree branch at night, for safety. Youngsters rest quietly for most of the day, but also begin to potter around feeding themselves on seeds and insects.

Beginning to forage for seeds among the autumn leaves.

But oh that milk from mum or dad is still a twice or thrice daily treat! That’s Spirit on the left, flapping about with glee. The photo was taken through our kitchen window on the morning of my husband Rob’s 70th birthday. It was definitely his favourite ‘gift’.

I do hope Spirit has a long and happy life, and my Rob too of course. He is so caring towards all the birds in our garden, but the Wongas are definitely closest to his heart.
If you are interested in Mr and Mrs Wonga’s rather bumpy path to parenthood, click HERE. By the way, they mate for life, just like me and Rob. Well, I guess 43 years and counting is almost life!