Hello Peeps, Editor Des reporting. Well I had a Covid escape to Sydney from Blackheath a while back….OK, a LONG while back! π¨ Cities are strange places, did you know that? You could disappear from one completely in the proverbial puff of smoke, or something even more peculiar!
Well I was watching a man with a big purple balloon in Pitt Street Mall, and he started to vanish inside it!

He popped his head out and did a little jig on one balloony foot, but then….

Going, going…..good grief! No wonder people were taking photos.

GONE! How could that even be possible? I have no idea.

After all the excitement we went to the food place in David Jones for a milkshake, but before it even arrived there was a fire alarm and we all had to disappear PRONTO!
A whole lot of firemen arrived outside in Market Street.

Turned out to be a false alarm, but most unsettling. We walked up to the State Library in Macquarie Street to regain our eckquil…..equil, sense of calm. Unfortunately I met a little Koala who looked as if he was about to disappear too. Oh my word, he was a mere shadow of his usual plump self. Pauline says his decline is a metaphore for the risk of koala extinction, whatever that means……something bad I think.

Time for a second attempt at refreshment back down in George Street. Funny sort of drink container they gave me. Pauline asked me if I remembered the story of Alice in Wonderland and was it really wise to carry on? Haha! Now did Miss Alice grow bigger or smaller?

Here goes….slurp slurp. Yum, salted caramel. Hmm, I do feel a trifle odd.

After dinner at our hotel that night I deliberately vanished on secret young fellow’s business. Have you heard of King’s Cross??
NOTE – the last time I escaped to Sydney was to recuperate from the scary bushfires. CLICK HERE
My goodness. What an eventful day!
We did love that balloon man!