Acer Corner, our studio apartment at Blackheath in the NSW Blue Mountains is perfect for guests without a car. I was prompted to write this after a young soldier came to stay, on leave from his base in the Northern Territory. He travelled by train, Most people
Read more →Everyone wants to be at the Rhododendron Festival. It has been our day on display for such a long time. This gorgeous local was trying to escape through a picket fence in Park Avenue. I was looking forward to seeing my friend Larraine Home in the parade
Read more →Like most people, I have a garden full of plants given to me by friends and neighbours. They are all very special. Some years ago I went on an outing to the home of the late Laurel Phillips, a life-member of our local garden club at Blackheath,
Read more →DID BLACKHEATH REALLY NEED A BOBBY? During the summer of 1892 the cash box was stolen from the general store in the Blue Mountains village of Blackheath. There was an immediate call to appoint a policeman. Not everyone was in favour of this step, as the following
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