There were very few things that my darling mother did just to please herself rather than everyone else in the family. However, the exception was her making of ghastly gooseberry pies. She loved those horrible, sour little fruits. Our Tasmanian orchard was a bit of a disaster
Read more →In 1903 there was a public vote to determine whether Mr F.H. Furner’s new hotel in the seaside Tasmanian town of Ulverstone should be granted a liquor licence. Surprise, surprise….the ayes were in the majority. The old Queen had died the previous year, but the design was
Read more →OH I DO LIKE TO BE BESIDE THE SEA! I grew up near Ulverstone, a seaside town on the north west coast of Tasmania. Boxing Day was traditionally beach day. During the nineteen fifties we were still without a car, and travelled the four miles (8km) from
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