Hello Dear People
Well because my vegie growing was so awesome, my guardian Pauline Conolly finally agreed to buy me a little greenhouse.
The only trouble was that she took the cheap option (what a surprise….NOT) and it came in at least 100 bits. OMG!!
At first I was going to send it back, but in the end my strength of character preev…..preval……shone through, and I decided to give it my best shot.
It took me nearly all day to put the first ten pieces together. I did call out for help, but nobody came (what a surprise). Things got a bit easier when I found a sheet of instructions. It was very hard to reach the high parts but I managed to clamber up. Climbing is in my blood.
It was nearly dark when I finally finished and put its green raincoat on It was very tight and the zippers were a bit tricky. Looked awesome though. I pushed it into place behind my kitchen garden. Note my tomatoes in the photo below.
Next morning I went out to admire my handiwork. There was just one more thing to add. I needed a piece of paper and a red pen. Aah yes….now it’s the perfect Ed Des Shed. No more hiding in the wood heap to indulge in my little vices. Hahaha. Do you know what? I sleep in there sometimes. Especially if (when) Pauline is annoyed with me.
Good grief! I’m afraid my greenhouse turned out to be what Pauline said is called. NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE. Winter came and after a couple of frosts the covering just disintegrated. I admit I cried for quite a while. What to do? We had a family conference and Pauline suggested we could use the frame to grow a passionfruit vine. So that’s what we did.
Just look at the amazing flower. The bees love the nectar..
I wrote my name on the first fruit so the possums and cockatoos would know not to eat it.
Finally it was ripe and I was allowed to have it on a custard tart for my tea. So you see the story ended quite happily.
Well did you know I have a FACEBOOK page of my very own? Just click here…..EDITOR DES I AM TRYING TO GET MORE ‘LIKES’ THAN PAULINE, PADDINGTON AND POOH!!
Excuse me Des – I put most of it together & that’s my whisky you’re drinking!!