A story about birds by me, Editor Des
Do you know what? A kookaburra called Toffee visits our garden every day. At first I was a bit scared of him, I thought he might start pecking my fur off for his nest or something. Also, I once had a scary encounter with some other big Aussie birds called sulphur crested cockatoos. It left a few emotional scars on me, little Jack and my girlfriend Milly (that’s her in the pink stripes).

Anyway, I decided that the only thing to do was to confront Toffee and let him know that I am the boss of Pauline Conolly’s garden…..and that’s that! It was the scariest day of my whole life. Well, except when I was left behind in a London hotel.
Funnily enough, Toffee seemed quite a nice fellow, so I thought the others might like to meet him. Little Jack ran away and hid, but Milly agreed. She wasn’t COMPLETELY keen, but I am very persuasive.
At first she hid behind me, and just peeked over my head. Thankfully there was no terrifying kookaburra laughter or she might have freaked out.
Next day I suggested she stand right in front and say ‘Hello Mr Toffee Kookaburra’, when he arrived. Oh dear, it was a disaster. As soon as poor Milly said hello he looked her right in the eye…..and she fainted dead away!!

Poor sweet Milly. The kookaburra got such a fright that he quickly apologized and flew off to his favourite gum tree. Looks a bit ruffled eh?

I tried to revive Milly, but she was all floppy and white in the face. In the end I had to go and get my tricycle so I could take her inside.

Luckily Pauline wasn’t home or might have been in big trouble (again). Not that it was really my fault of course. I put Milly to bed and gave her a nip of my whiskey. That seemed to do the trick.

Oh well, as Pauline always says ( or was it Shakespeare?) All’s well that ends well. Except…..now there’s two!!
Thanks Chris, I’ll tell Des.