As with most Australians, the  ubiquitous Weber bar-b-que was part of my life for many years. And yes, it even produced our Christmas turkey on a couple of occasions


Weber bar-b-que

    In all its glory



The following photo of my partner  Rob was taken in the 1980s, in Sydney.


Santa Rob and the turkey.

Santa Ro

But somehow we lost our passion for bar-b-ques  (and turkey) The final old Weber we owned  was retired from service. We tried to sell it at a garage sale, but nobody showed any interest (even when offered for free, or thrown in with a another  $10 purchase.).  It sat around for another year or so.  Then one day  I had an idea  (well I may have stolen it from another gardener) and asked  Rob to deconstruct it.


Work underway.

The bowl became a herb garden. Still that food association. Roast pork with rosemary and oven baked potatoes perhaps?

Herb garden

Herb garden and Editor Des’s prize potato.

The cover was transformed into  a garden planter, filled with pansies, and ajuga.

 Weber Bar-b-que garden

The cover in bloom.

Vertical garden anyone? The bowerbird certainly admires it.

Recycled weber bar-b-que cover.

Anything worth stealing here?

But what to do with the wheels and base?  Hmm my associate  Editor Des’s birthday was approaching. Oh yes, a trailer for his bike might be the go.  The result was quite something in my opinion. Rob even included match fueled turbo burners for extra oomph.

Weber bar-b-que recycled into trailer

Ready to light the burners

As a birthday present it was  pronounced a huge success, especially as Des was venturing into the market gardening business.

Recycled Weber bar-b-que trailer

Bringing in the harvest.

Recycled Weber trailer

Perfect for transporting a pumpkin

Admittedly there were a few problems when Des tried to take the trailer ‘off-road’.   I think his girlfriend Milly feared for her life sometimes.

Editor Des and his cart.

Hold on Milly!

The pair ventured down to Sydney on vacation at one point. Good grief, is that a cigarette in the wretched fellow’s paw?

Editor Des off on holiday.

Off on holiday.

Give up the smokes, or the Weber trailer will be confiscated, we told him. And do you know what? The threat  worked.  He still takes it to  the local supermarket. See below….this looks like an Easter shop to me. Great that Colesworth provide smaller parking spaces.

Weber bar-b-que trailer

So handy for shopping.


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