Hello, Editor Des here.
Well Pauline went to a champagne preview of a dedicated children’s section at the New South Wales State Library recently. This week she asked me if I wanted to go and see it. Well of course, woman! I should have been invited to the damn preview, or at least the official opening.

The library is on the lower ground floor. I was very excited, because at the top of the stairs in the foyer there was a real, live robot! He was there to help people (or hopefully bears) decide what to read.

I had to push a button and ‘talk’ to him…it.
Oh good grief, if I’d known how intrusive and embarrassing it would be I would have run away. First up I had to put in my age. Unfortunately there wasn’t space to put ’19, but that’s in bear years and we are slow to mature intellectually’ so I just had to select the closest age range.

How insulting! I’m not old at all. Anyway, Pauline said not be pathetic, so I carried on.

Wow, a book with a bear in it. Have to admit I was a bit impressed, I hadn’t even told Mr Robot that I was a member of the carnivoran mammal family.
I didn’t go and read the book he suggested though, because he’d made me feel bad (and sad ) about my age. Instead, Pauline and I had lunch in the library café. And I make no excuses about eating all the sugar. I needed to get rid of the nasty taste in my mouth; a hit of sweetness to recover my eck, equil…., get my temper back on an even keel.
