Hello, Editor Des here with a ‘sort of’ Christmas story. I’m really writing it to annoy my employer/guardian Pauline Conolly, because do you know what she gave me for my present? A plate that I’m supposed to paint. Good grief, I’m 22 not 12! And how am I supposed to use that tiny brush with my big mitts?

Anyway, I digress….sorry about that. Well Pauline got quite carried away with her decorations in the garden. She even put baubles in the bird baths, which, surprise surprise, they really hated! The bowerbird thought they were the eggs of some alien being.

I told her not to do it, but she’s the boss and she just ignores me. Next she put a little stuffed mouse on the bee watering station. Oh yes…..very funny. NOT! For a start, his feet got wet. And a bee might sting that sweet pink nose.

But here’s the main problem. We have a scary big currawong at our place, and she is busy feeding a hungry chick. I saw her looking sideways at the little mouse with a nasty glint in her eye.

Then, with two huge flaps of her wings she shot across to the bees’ water, snatched up the poor creature and headed up to her nest with a take-away dinner.

Oh my word….it all was so shocking. I told Pauline that the currawong chick would probably be fed cotton wool stuffing and would die an agonizing death. And it would be all her fault for interfering with nature. She nearly cried. I felt bad then, but not VERY bad. because let’s face it, that china plate was hideous.
A few days later my other guardian, Dr Bob, was walking under the gum tree and there among the leaves was the kidnapped mouse. Mrs Currawong must have tossed him out when she realized he wasn’t real. And do you know what? He didn’t have a single peck mark on him. Talk about lucky. Buy a lottery ticket young mouse.

NOTE – I’m putting that plate on Gumtree—-for free. Meanwhile the mouse is undergoing therapy. His whiskers have turned grey and one is bent forever. Well done Pauline.

I wondered whether to include this, but here goes. I once had a traumatic interaction with Santa, who thought I demanded too many presents. 😰