Hello Peeps
My elderly guardians Pauline, and Dr Bob went on a little ‘rest and recuperation trip’ to Sydney before lock-down, after a lot of building work at home in Blackheath. I believe it’s called a sojourn. I wasn’t allowed to stay home alone due to a previous unfortunate incident (don’t ask!) , so we all went on the train. Well I was slightly nervous, because they both like history, and old Sydney stuff….and I don’t! 🤬

Oh good grief! Breakfast at City Tatts on the first morning did not go well. I was banished from the table….no idea why, something to do with a paw in the butter according to Pauline. What a load of rubbish! All I got was two tiny containers of honey, but no toast. Fantastic….NOT.

This is what happened when I politely expressed my unhappiness;

I did some reading and writing in the City Tatt’s Library. The others went shopping (so mercenary).

We went to the Strand Arcade after that. Hmm, It’s quite oldy-worldly and not at all ‘cool’ if you know what I mean. I wanted to go to the Apple store to play on computers, but it was closed.

There’s even a man downstairs in the Arcade who polishes people’s shoes….mostly men’s. Well I don’t wear shoes, so it was all wasted on me.
Here I am at our hotel. Pauline thought it would be hilarious to sit me on the edge of the balcony for a photo of the Queen Vic. domes. Six floors up! One strong puff of wind and I would have been a goner! Imagine the headline; ‘Small bear plummets to death in the city centre. Woman charged over criminal lack of care.‘

We had lots of coffees in the Queen Vic. building. Pauline adores these old places.

She and Dr Bob went to a very fancy place for dinner in the old Gowings building , but do you know what? I had to stay in the hotel room with a carton of yogurt, which I don’t even like. Anyway, I ate all those overpriced fridge snacks. Haha, imagine the bill. 😍

Next time I’m going to Sydney all by myself for a solo sojourn. Maybe a visit to the Botanic Gardens would be good. Look, free figs for lunch! You couldn’t get more historic than that old tree.

I’ll book a room just for me, with my own little bed. And also, I will order special, personalised coffee. Oh yes, and dinner for one at somewhere so posh I’ll probably have to wear a suit. All I’ll have is dessert….every one listed on the menu.

Oh yes, I love raspberries. 😜

I’m not usually one to complain, but I think you will agree I was treated rather shabbily on this sojourn (love that word) by those who profess to love me.