The shiny hubcaps on our house painter Rebekah’s vintage Volkswagen created a few problems last year. You see, our resident Wonga fell in love with his own image. Oh dear, it was very sad.
Thankfully, we took certain measures and the problem was eventually resolved. Wonga subsequently met a ‘real’ partner and not long ago they produced a sweet chick called Spirit. Little Spirit is still being fed by both parents, but all of a sudden Mr Wonga has become infatuated again….good grief! My associate Editor Des appears fascinated with the whole situation. I, on the other hand, am worried, because Spirit needs both parents to forage and produce pigeon ‘milk’.
Des sat down in the autumn leaves beside the smitten bird and offered some unsolicited advice, ‘Go on, pucker up and give her a little kiss, Wonga.‘
But despite a romantic smooch the gorgeous ‘lady’ was unmoved, and could not be persuaded to step out of her hub. It was all very discouraging, and her would-be suitor appeared to give up. What a relief ….well it was to me anyway. Now go home silly fellow.
Wonga was plodding off disconsolately when to my frustration he caught sight of another beauty in a rear wheel. Of for heavens sake! And by now, Editor Des had been transfixed by his reflection! So there were the pair of them, gazing at themselves like love sick loonies. I could scarcely believe what I was seeing.
There was only one solution, which we have had to employ here all too often….. bring out the anti love modesty skirts.
I’m relieved to report that the day ended relatively well. Wonga had a quick drink and went back to his little family. I hope Mrs Wonga never finds out about his roving eye. Des had his dinner and is now fast asleep. We do live in strange times my friends.