There was a prelude to the 1912 robbery of the Bank of NSW in Newtown. Six months earlier the Hoskins Street site of the stationery company Penfold’s new building was broken into. The safe was already in place, and had been tampered with; Would the burglars dare
Read more →20 year old Henry Serpell was the accountant at the Boxhill branch of the E.S. & A. bank. Serpell slept on the premises, and on May 17 1904 he was woken by three men; one was holding a flashlight and another was aiming a revolver at his
Read more →Charlie Leeming, one of the smartest telegraphists in Tasmania, leaves Launceston to take charge of the Queenstown office. His co-workers packed him with lots of good wishes, travelling bag and rug of the very best. He will be much missed in Launceston. (The Clipper, Sat. Jul 23
Read more →On Sunday, October 6 1929, the Commercial Bank of Australia in Enmore Road, Newtown was broken into and the contents of the safe stolen. The manager was away at the time, and the theft was reported by the caretaker, Bruce Bell. Mr Bell was required to sleep
Read more →Hello, Editor Des here. I have to be very brave about writing this, because I am still a bit traumatized. Well I went to Sydney with my guardian Pauline Conolly this week week. She wanted to do a bit of shopping and other stuff at the big
Read more →The Bank of Australia was established in 1826, in competition with the Bank of New South Wales. It was located in the Joseph Underwood buildings, in lower George Street. On Sunday, September 15 1828 a cashier was horrified to discover a gaping hole in the bank’s
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