TRAIN WHISTLE BLOWING OK, all packed for our trip across the Nullarbor on the Indian Pacific, It’s a VERY long train. Had to catch the train to Sydney first. For heavens sake…..why couldn’t it pick us up on the way???? Pretty poor service considering my status.
Read more →Nullarbor, from Latin meaning ‘no trees’, but that’s a bit of a misnomer. STORY CONTINUED FROM…….WESTWARD HO! Chatting to fellow passengers and gazing at the passing landscape takes up a good deal of time aboard the Indian Pacific. I always imagined the scenery across the Nullarbor
Read more →As someone who frequently writes on crime, a tale of death on the Indian Pacific Railway came to mind when my partner Rob and I booked our trip from Sydney to Perth. I even checked Dr Google to see if anyone had written a murder mystery inspired
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