OK, all packed for our trip across the Nullarbor on the Indian Pacific, It’s a VERY long train.
Had to catch the train to Sydney first. For heavens sake…..why couldn’t it pick us up on the way???? Pretty poor service considering my status.
Nice little snackies and drinks on the platform before we left Sydney for Perf, sorry Perth.
Do you know why I had two cases? Well I sneaked my girlfriend Milly on board. My guardian Pauline Conolly was horrified. Hahaha, she had to buy an extra ticket, or we would have all been made to get off immediately.
When we were right out in the desert I was locked up for a while, because I had a little puff of a ciggie in the dining car. I think Pauline made them do it to teach me a lesson really. As if I cared. I’ll stop when I want to. You would think she would realize that by now.
It was shocking how much people ate on this journey. I mainly ordered the puddings.
Every night the cabin steward put chocolates on Pauline and Dr Bob’s pillow. But they didn’t ever know, because I snaffled them straight away. Hahaha. I’m still eating them.
Here I am with Pauline in the outback, at a little place called Cook. She had me by the scruff of the neck in case I ran away. As if I would….I know when I’m well off, just quietly. 😅
Here we are with my other guardian, Dr.Bob.. I’m afraid I was stuffed in Pauline’s handbag. I spend far too much time in there and it’s not a pleasant place. I’m always getting stuck in the head with a biro, or finding a lipstick case up my jumper.
Well we finally got off the Indian Pacific in Perth. Pretty cool hotel room with the city skyline. It was in St. Georges Terrace, where a man called Alan Bond used to have his own tower block. Mr Bond was a hero because he helped win The America’s Cup. But then he went a bit wrong and he wasn’t a hero anymore. Life is often like that I find.
Sometimes we had what’s called a working breakfast. I think Pauline was just playing on Facebook though. I’d been taking notes. No, I’m not saying WHAT ABOUT.
Black swans live over here. This one didn’t seem to have much ‘go’ in him. Milly ran away because she thought it might peck her.
Lift me up mate…come on!
They wouldn’t let me back on the Indian Pacific after the little incident in the dining car, so I had to get a plane home. Well it was quicker, anyway! 😎
Pauline it is such fun to take part on your adventures. It’s as close to being there as I will get. But on never knows.
I want to thank you for your blog about decorating live trees, flora and fauna instead of hacking down our beautiful evergreens.
and winter is a terrible time to displace all the tree hugging critters.
Your words will reach more people.
Have a Grand Holiday May it be Safe, Fun and Funny.
Judy. drlollipopandfriends,com
Pauline it is such fun to take part on your adventures. It’s as close to being there as I will get. But on never knows.
I want to thank you for your blog about decorating live trees, flora and fauna instead of hacking down our beautiful evergreens.
and winter is a terrible time to displace all the tree hugging critters.
Judy. drlollipopandfriends,com
Pauline it is such fun to take part on your adventures. It’s as close to being there as I will get. But on never knows.
Judy. drlollipopandfriends,com
Your writing style is such fun.
Judy. drlollipopandfriends,com
Judy. drlollipopandfriends,com