Pieris japonica grows best in a cool climate, with mildly acidic soil. It loves dappled shade. For this reason, gardens in the upper Blue Mountains suit it perfectly. It has racemes of pearly white or pink flowers that resemble lily-of-the-valley. Here is my white flowering shrub, growing
Read more →We are a competitive lot in the Blue Mountains of NSW. At a Blackheath outdoor pool, this little silvereye was training for the 20cm breaststroke event, and yes, struggling a bit. Keep that head up Mate! Oh the relief to get to the end! And an encouraging
Read more →About 30 metres below the Park Avenue gates in Memorial Park at Blackheath is a huge thicket of invasive weeds; blackberries, ivy, scarlet montbretia, red hot pokers etc. A lone Japanese maple struggles to survive in the centre. The irony is that satin bowerbirds, wattle birds and
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