I was a bit disappointed when Blackheath’s Altitude Café moved last year, even if it was only next door. It had lost some of its ambience I thought. However, when I called in some time later everything had changed. One whole wall was devoted to a series
Read more →This is what the bower of a satin bowerbird looks like (below right), with its collection of predominantly blue ‘treasures ‘, assembled to impress the ladies. I’m afraid the birds mostly use human trash these day, especially bottle tops. Bowers were full of plastic straws in my
Read more →‘…in spring, the most delicate feathery yellow of plumes and plumes and plumes and trees and bushes of wattle, as if angels had flown right down out of the softest gold regions of heaven to settle here, in the Australian bush. D.H. Lawrence, Kangaroo I do
Read more →Remember British artist and designer William Morris and his famous Strawberry Thief design? Those thrushes ended up in homes around the world. I’m sure Mr Morris forgave them for raiding his garden by the stripling Thames. I don’t grow strawberries, but I do have lots of feathered
Read more →Blackheath duck pond is close enough to my garden to be my personal water feature. Hardly a day goes by without me wandering past it. The traction engine below was used to excavate the original dams, which evolved into the pond. The dams were used to hold
Read more →I was recently criticized by a couple of people on our community page for only ordering a bowl of chips for lunch in the New Ivanhoe pub. Oh dear, I feel I can never order my rare and special treat again.😪 I thought it might be a
Read more →What a joy the busy Blackheath Growers’ Market is. Mind you, I’m glad I can walk up there. These days people have to park their cars almost down to my own house near the duck pond. It’s held on the second Sunday of
Read more →This piece began as a short, selective list of Blue Mountains villages. However, owing to the demands from residents of those left out it became somewhat longer. 😎 OK, HERE WE GO… I am cheating and listing the towns and villages of the Blue Mountains alphabetically rather
Read more →A CONTINUING KOOKABURRA CONNECTION In June or July every year a pair of kookaburras arrive in my garden at Blackheath, in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales. The rest of the time I only see them in the distance, and hear them laughing and chattering with
Read more →In the Blue Mountains village of Blackheath the original cottages are slowly disappearing. We are losing something special….beautiful old windows with coloured glass panes or leadlights. Some are very simple; an inexpensive way of adding a little elegance to a humble home. Light is the operative word
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