The other day two strange little, big footed birds came tumbling down the steps outside my kitchen window at Blackheath. When I described them to my partner he said, ‘Oh yes, I’m sure I’ve seen them too, down by the duck pond.‘ We live close by the
Read more →I live just around the corner from the Blackheath duck pond, in the beautiful Blue Mountains. It recently underwent a complete makeover and re-design. The long-necked turtles were re-homed at The Rhododendron Gardens. Two metres of silt were removed and will be used elsewhere. The last
Read more →Most Aussie wood duck couples produce very large broods. There are often a dozen or more chicks, but a local pair here in Blackheath have ended up with just four. I really don’t like to think what happened to the rest. The F word comes to mind,
Read more →JUST LET ME BE! Honestly, the resident pied cormorant at Blackheath duck pond is the crabbiest looking creature imaginable. I have no idea if this cormorant is male or female. I presume it finds a partner and breeds each year, but as far as I can see
Read more →I rather like misty days, they remind me of cool flannels being placed on fevered brows. Our property adjoins the Blue Mountains’ National Park and sometimes bushwalkers become disoriented, blundering into my garden. I point them in the direction of Govett’s Leap, with a gentle warning to
Read more →There is a reason why the Blue Mountains village of Blackheath is affectionately dubbed Bleakheath. Recently someone (not mentioning any names, Kim) asked me to write a winter post. So here it is. My husband often has to venture out with the kettle to defrost the bird baths.
Read more →Blackheath duck pond is close enough to my garden to be my personal water feature. Hardly a day goes by without me wandering past it. The traction engine below was used to excavate the original dams, which evolved into the pond. The dams were used to hold
Read more →AUTUMN LEAVES AND HISTORY No matter what time of year, the walk up to my local Blue Mountains village of Blackheath is a delight. I always have my little point and shoot camera in my pocket. Without fail there is something worth snapping, and it’s an
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