I live just around the corner from the Blackheath duck pond, in the beautiful Blue Mountains. It recently underwent a complete makeover and re-design. The long-necked turtles were re-homed at The Rhododendron Gardens. Two metres of silt were removed and will be used elsewhere. The last
Read more →After a residency of some years, the satin bowerbird in Soldier’s Memorial Park at Blackheath departed his well known property. It was very sad for those of us who had been observing him. We watched with interest as the local ban on plastic straws changed his treasure
Read more →Time to be out and about now the fire risk has subsided. My own garden is a disaster, with only the natives and hydrangeas holding up. But how is everything else going in this awful heatwave I wonder? Well, to my great surprise an ibis has taken
Read more →The Park Avenue entrance gates to Blackheath’s Memorial Park were funded by public subscription. They were officially opened on May 18 1938, by Minister for Works and Local Government Mr Eric Spooner. The project commemorated the reign of King George V (1910-1936). 300 people turned up
Read more →It has been a long courting season for the bowerbird in Blackheath’s Memorial Park. I began monitoring his ‘boudoir’ in mid August 2018. Without doubt it was one of the most beautiful, symmetrically arranged collections of blue treasures I had ever seen. WOOING IS A WEARYSOME BUSINESS
Read more →My beloved Blue Mountains village of Blackheath has long been the butt of jokes regarding its chilly location. Bleakheath, Lackheat…..yes yes, we deal with these corruptions of our name with good natured humour. But remember…we are closer to heaven than our neighbours down the hill!
Read more →Hello, Editor Des here, Well I was walking up to the Blackheath Rhododendron Festival last year when I spotted one of my neighbours selling home made lemonade. It was opposite the swimming pool in Soldiers’ Memorial Park. Actually Fergus was minding the shop while the prop, propri…the owner
Read more →Hello, Editor Des here. Well it’s springtime where I live in the Blue Mountains. All the flowers are out and the birds start singing so early they wake me up while I’m still dreamin’. I thought it might be a nice time to go on a little
Read more →FOR THE BEGINNNG OF THIS STORY CLICK HERE 31/8/2018 Mr S. Bowerbird’s magnificent home in Blackheath’s Memorial Park was almost wrecked yesterday. Two (illegally) unleashed dogs tore through the middle of it before I could warn their owners. How they missed crushing the bower itself is
Read more →I rather like misty days, they remind me of cool flannels being placed on fevered brows. Our property adjoins the Blue Mountains’ National Park and sometimes bushwalkers become disoriented, blundering into my garden. I point them in the direction of Govett’s Leap, with a gentle warning to
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