Edith and George Smith married in Queenstown around 1913. They later moved to the Hobart suburb of New Town, where they ran a general store on the corner of Carlton and Pedder Streets. The building still stands. The business was actually owned by Edith, who had
Read more →Who would have thought than an eggshell could provide such joy and excitement during one of the worst weather events in living memory? As readers of my bird blogs know, I have been photographing and writing about our resident Wonga pigeons for a number of years. Over
Read more →In January 1926 there was a terrible incident at the Briseis tin mine, in the northern Tasmanian town of Derby. A dump of tailings collapsed, tearing away hydraulic water pipes. Four miners working in a ‘sump’ nearby were overwhelmed by water and soil. Two were trapped; John
Read more →Landscaping is on the agenda here in Blackheath. Our new house in the Blue Mountains has been built within an established garden, on a similar footprint to the old, now demolished cottage. Nevertheless, new entrance steps and an added vehicle awning have meant that some mature plants
Read more →The words in the image below certainly apply to me. I have loved social history since I was very young, Family history is even closer to my heart, especially right now, in relation to my second cousin, Winnie. Visitors to this website will be aware that I
Read more →We have a strict policy against artificial bird feeding at our Blue Mountains property, well apart from providing fresh water. There is an abundance of nectar, seeds and insects to satisfy the countless species that visit us. Half of our large garden is planted with Australian natives,
Read more →I have to confess that I am a bit obsessed with our native Wonga pigeons. They are so gentle and engaging. They wander around the garden paths in my Blue Mountains garden every day, just as I do myself. Our long term, resident pair nest high in
Read more →I once attended a dinner party in the UK where the main topic of conversation was how to deal with moles wrecking lawns. The equivalent in Australia would have to be the sweet bandicoot, though his pointy snout leaves a conical hole rather than a molehill. He
Read more →I must thank fellow Blue Mountains resident Stephanie Moxham for alerting me to this story. Stephanie posted the following letter on a local history FB site. It had been published In The Katoomba Daily on Saturday, May 25 1935. To the Editor Sir, – Mr George B.
Read more →Hello Peeps! I found this little poem about….well it’s about me. I thought it summed me up perfectly on the auspicious occasion of my 21st birthday. As to the ‘either end’ bit, well I do spend quite a bit of time with my bottom in the air.
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